The PuROTwist 4000 REVERSE OSMOSIS semi-permeable membrane rinses contaminants to the drain. High quality, filtered drinking water is produced and conveniently stored in a sealed tank. The PuROTwist 4000 lead-free faucet easily delivers an abundant supply of clearer, cleaner, and fresher drinking water to you and your family.
Four Stage Purification Process
1. Stage 1. 5 Micron Sediment Filter: Removes dirt, sediments, sand, and other physical particles.
2. Stage 2. Pre Carbon Filter: Provides protection to the RO membrane from free chlorine and sediment.
3. Stage 3. Reverse Osmosis Membrane: Membrane reduces a high percentage of dissolved inorgani
4. Stage 4. Post Carbon Filter. Final polishing filter for great tasting water.